11-26-2018 | Mixed Hay & Bedding Results

November 26, 2018
36 loads.

Market was called generally steady. Moderate run for a Monday sale. Buyer interest was good today. Quality was lacking.
Remember we have sales every Monday and Thursday through the end of April.


SIZE  LBS    $/Ton
lgrd   43440 52.50
lgrd   44640 52.50
lgrd   44580 50.00
lgrd   40280 50.00
lgrd   50880 47.50
lgrd   49400 47.50


SIZE  LBS      $/Ton
lgrd   51280 140.00


Guy: Doctor, my girlfriend is pregnant, but we always use protection and the rubber never broke. How is this possible?
Dr.: Let me tell you a story. There once was a hunter that carried his gun with him where ever he went. One day he took his umbrella instead of his gun. A lion suddenly jumped out in front of him. In order to scare the lion, he pulled out his umbrella and used it like a gun, shot the lion and then it died!
Guy: Nonsense! Someone else must have shot it!
Dr.: Good, you understood the story. Next patient, please.