Thursday, January 4, 2018 45 loads We had good buyer interest today due to the holiday schedule and extreme cold. We had a little lighter run, but the quality was generally very good. We have been having good demand with our small sales and extreme cold and plan to see more hay soon. WE WILL …

Thursday, November 30, 2017 87 loads Market was about $10 off on grass and alfalfa. We had a large supply and beautiful weather today. Not as many calves coming in due to Thanksgiving calls for less demand. WE WILL CONTINUE HAVING MONDAY AND THURSDAY SALES THROUGH APRIL. ALFALFA: 26 SIZE  LBS    $/Ton 3×3  …

Monday, November 27, 2017 65 loads. The quality varied today. Prices were mostly steady today, with slightly weaker on the grass. There is not a lot of demand for cornstalks. ALFALFA: 14 SIZE  LBS     $/Ton 3×3 53220 150.00 1st 3×4 52820 147.50 1st Lgrd 57700 160.00 2nd Lgrd 37740 150.00 3rd Lgrd 44620 …

Thursday, November 20, 2017 35 loads today. The market was called steady today. REMEMBER: We will not be having a Thursday Sale this week due to Thanksgiving. We will resume our Regular sale schedule next week. ALFALFA: 13 SIZE  LBS    $/Ton Cut 3X3   46400 122.50 1ST 3X4   147.50 1ST 3X4   52280 145.00 3RD …

Thursday, November 16, 2017 71 loads. Market was called steady compared to Monday*s sale. Today was the 1st day of any volume of cornstalks. WE WILL NOT HAVE SALE NEXT THURSDAY due to spending Thanksgiving with our families. ALFALFA: 24 SIZE  LBS     $/Ton 3×3    52400 185.00 2nd 3×3    52800 155.00 1st …

September 28, 2017 86 loads The market was steady to slightly stronger. Bedding sold well. ALFALFA: 39 SIZE  LBS    $/Ton   Cut 3×3   52120 122.50 3×4   45720 125.00 4th 3×4   51420 110.00 3rd 3×4   50720 102.50 3×4   53940 100.00 2nd 3×4   47060 100.00 2nd lgrd  55940 122.50 3rd lgrd  19840 120.00 4th lgrd  54860 120.00 …

June 29, 2017  106 loads. Market was called steady to lower on the alfalfa. Grass was called steady to lower on top quality. If you are interested in small square straw bales, please contact Paul 712.470.1274. ALFALFA: 60 SIZE    LBS      $/TON CUT smsq   3700    110.00 3×3   55400     130.00 2nd 3×3   51940  …

Monday, January 30, 2017 46 loads. The market was steady today. Quality was generally lower. ALFALFA: 17 SIZE  LBS    $/Ton Cut 3×3   49960 105.00 2nd 3×3   62500 105.00 3rd 3×3   49320 97.50 3rd 3×3   45760 97.50 2nd 3×3   64120 95.00 1st 3×3   23260 77.50 3rd lgrd   85.00 2/3/4 lgrd   35080 85.00 2nd lgrd  …

Thursday,  July 30, 2015 78 loads. Market was rather steady today, although alfalfa was a little weaker. ALFALFA: 18 SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT smsq  19090  97.50 1st 3×3   48930 150.00 1st 3×3   46840 115.00 1st 3×3   59320 105.00 2nd 3×3   18760  85.00 1st 3×4   52440 100.00 3rd lgrd  17040 135.00 1st lgrd  55520 …

Thursday, January 30, 2014 67 loads. The market was steady! ALFALFA: 17 SIZE  LBS    $/Ton Cut 3×4   59380 180.00 3rd 3×4   53820 140.00 2nd 3×4   40720 135.00 3×3   54340 132.50 3×3   48360 120.00 3rd lgrd   51000 150.00 4th lgrd   43940 150.00 2nd lgrd   37500 145.00 lgrd   49020 145.00 2nd lgrd   4200 140.00 lgrd  …