Mixed Hay & Bedding Results 6-6-24

Rock Valley Hay Report

Thursday June 6, 2024

49 Loads

The market was lower today. There were 6 loads of new alfalfa with excellent quality and sold from $117.50 - $165. The old alfalfa sold steady to weaker with the quality being mostly good. With little interest in grass hay, the grass market was weaker across the board. Cornstalks were steady today. Sales every Thursday at 12:30PM
ATTENTION: The road/bridge located just west of the Haylot is closed. Please come in from the East. The city predicts it will be reopened next week.



lgrd  47800 180.00   

lgrd  49380 100.00   

lgrd  48560 100.00   



lgrd  45300  42.50

lgrd  44160  42.50

lgrd  55100  40.00

lgrd  53060  40.00

lgrd  20200  37.50

A guy knocked on my door today and asked for a small donation for the local swimming pool. So, I have him a glass of water.