Mixed Hay & Bedding Results 8/18/2022

Rock Valley Hay Report

Thursday August 18, 2022

88 Loads

The market was mostly steady this week. Some lower quality grass was off a bit. Bedding was steady.


Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





lgrd  40360 205.00   

lgrd  50940 175.00   

lgrd  59800 157.50   

lgrd  21080 147.50   



3x3   28380 130.00 - Rye

3x3   28740 122.50 - Rye

3x4   47200 145.00 - Wheat

lgrd  28860 130.00 - Wheat

lgrd  49080 122.50 - Oats

lgrd  53160 115.00 - Oats

Two flies were buzzing around a messy kitchen and landed on a knife handle. They gorged themselves on leftover particles of bologna. Then they became airborne again, felt dizzy and dropped to the floor dead. The moral of this story? Don’t fly off the handle when you’re full of bologna.