Announcement The Rock Valley Hay Auction CO. is moving locations! Our last auction at our current location will take place on August 22nd. We are moving to 3110 Eagle Ave in Rock Valley. It is located across the road east of Town & Country Implement. In preparation for our new location, we will not be having an auction on August 29th. We’ll have our first auction at the new location on September 5th at 12:30 PM. ATTENTION: WE ARE CURRENTLY HAVING THURSDAY AUCTIONS. WE HAVE HAY FOR SALE PRIVATE TREATY ON OUR WEBSITE. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE "HAY FOR SALE" TAB AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE. Rock Valley Hay Auction has been selling hay and straw for over 70 years. We sell on average 4500 loads annually. Let our experience in hay and straw marketing work for you.

Auctions are Thursday @ 12:30p.m. Monday auctions are held November through April in addition to the year round Thursday sale.

Contact our office if interested or have any questions at 712-476-5541.

Monday January 14, 2019
25 loads.

The market was lower today with not much motivation from the buyers. We are working to get them motivated.

Alfalfa: 11


lgrd  52860 142.50 3rd

lgrd  48080 127.50 2nd

lgrd  36880 125.00

lgrd  46280 120.00 2nd

lgrd  43680 117.50

lgrd  48340 115.00

lgrd  42260 112.50 1st

lgrd  54880 112.50 2nd

lgrd  42300 112.50

lgrd  38520 112.50 1st

lgrd  50900 107.50



lgrd  47380 142.50

lgrd  47760 135.00

lgrd  48120 135.00

lgrd  40220 135.00

lgrd  49660 117.50

lgrd  43160 115.00

lgrd  35580 110.00

Top 10 Reasons why Farm Trucks are Never Stolen:

10. They have a range of about 20 miles before they overheat, break down, or run out of gas.

9. Only the owner knows how to operate the door to get in or out.

8. It is difficult to drive fast with all the fence tools, grease rags, ropes, chains, syringes, buckets, boots and loose papers in the cab.

7. It takes too long to start, and the smoke coming up through the rusted-out floorboard clouds your vision.

6. The Border Collie on the toolbox looks mean.

5. They’re too easy to spot. The description might go something like this: The driver’s side door is green, the right front fender is yellow, etc.

4. The large round bale in the back makes it hard to see if you’re being chased. You could the mirrors if they weren’t cracked and covered with duct tape.

3. Top speed is only about 45 mph.

2. Who wants a truck that needs a year’s worth of maintenance, u-joints, $3,000 in body work, tail-lights and windshield.

  1. 1. It is hard to commit a crime with everyone waving out you.


Thursday January 10, 2019
79 loads.

Market was called mostly steady today. Stalks sold strong. We had good buyer interest, with a good amount of hay available. Quality varied today.

Cornstalks: 11

SIZE   LBS    $/TON 



lgrd  33600  65.00

lgrd  41900  62.50

lgrd  36760  62.50

lgrd  35700  62.50

lgrd  49200  60.00

lgrd  49420  60.00

lgrd  50020  60.00

lgrd  49840  57.50

lgrd  49440  55.00

lgrd  11680  55.00

lgrd  17460  55.00

Straw: 6


3x4   32240 107.50

3x4   50560  80.00

lgrd  36080 125.00-wheat

lgrd               92.50

lgrd  26540  87.50

lgrd  28400  75.00-bean


Mixed: 6


3x3   49860 130.00

lgrd  48600 150.00

lgrd  14540 135.00

lgrd  20880 130.00

lgrd  53440 127.50

lgrd  18280 120.00


I tried the Japanese method of decluttering where you hold every object that you own, and if it does not bring you joy, you throw it out. So far I have thrown out all of the vegetables, the electric bill, the scale, a mirror, and my treadmill.


My wife’s birthday is in two days and she told me that she would be happy as long as I got her something with lots of diamonds in it. She’s gonna love this pack of playing cards


Thursday January 10, 2019
79 loads.

Market was called mostly steady today. Stalks sold strong. We had good buyer interest, with a good amount of hay available. Quality varied today.

Alfalfa: 27


3x4   48520 170.00 3rd

Lgrd  21460 170.00

lgrd  41000 170.00 4th

lgrd  44260 165.00 4th

lgrd  41480 165.00

lgrd  57580 150.00 2nd

lgrd  64220 147.50 3rd

lgrd  53420 140.00 3rd

lgrd  52240 137.50 3rd

lgrd  50120 135.00 4th

lgrd  46260 135.00 3rd

lgrd  23800 132.50

lgrd  49380 132.50 3rd

lgrd  46620 130.00 3rd

lgrd  39880 130.00

lgrd  50440 130.00

lgrd  51080 127.50 1st

lgrd  54540 127.50

lgrd  56800 127.50 2nd

lgrd  24100 125.00

lgrd              125.00

lgrd  47480 122.50

lgrd  46540 122.50 2nd

lgrd  51300 120.00 1st

lgrd  33280 120.00

lgrd  39780 120.00

lgrd  49340 110.00 1st



3x3   14290 180.00

lgrd  54180 170.00

lgrd  46080 165.00

lgrd  48160 162.50

lgrd  50280 160.00

lgrd  49760 160.00

lgrd  22180 150.00

lgrd  57000 150.00

lgrd  24540 147.50

lgrd  47980 145.00

lgrd  48440 145.00

lgrd  48460 142.50

lgrd  46360 140.00

lgrd  55580 140.00

lgrd  49600 137.50

lgrd  53340 135.00

lgrd  49600 135.00

lgrd  55160 135.00

lgrd  57120 132.50

lgrd  12600 130.00

lgrd  30360 130.00

lgrd  49300 130.00

lgrd  52420 130.00

lgrd  50220 130.00

lgrd  60880 127.50

lgrd  49680 125.00

lgrd  53520 120.00

lgrd              100.00

lgrd  32760 100.00


I tried the Japanese method of decluttering where you hold every object that you own, and if it does not bring you joy, you throw it out. So far I have thrown out all of the vegetables, the electric bill, the scale, a mirror, and my treadmill.


My wife’s birthday is in two days and she told me that she would be happy as long as I got her something with lots of diamonds in it. She’s gonna love this pack of playing cards


Thursday January 7, 2019
23 loads.

The market was lower today, but we had sunshine. Quality varied, and the buyers had their hands in their pockets.

Mixed: 4

SIZE   LBS    $/TON 

lgrd  49300 130.00

lgrd  50800 115.00

lgrd  39820 102.50

lgrd  40640 100.00


Straw: 3

SIZE   LBS    $/TON 

3x4   45800 120.00

lgrd  34080 125.00

lgrd  43590 115.00

Cornstalks: 2


lgrd  37920  62.50

lgrd  47360  55.00


How to install a southern home security system:

  1. 1. Go to Goodwill and buy a pair of size 14-16 men’s work boots.
  2. 2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Gun & Ammo
  3. 3. Put four giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.
  4. 4. Leave a note on your door that reads:


Me and Marcel, Donnie Ray and Jimmy Earl went for more ammo and beer. Be back in an hour. Don’t mess with the pitbulls. They got the mailman this morning and messed him up pretty bad.

I don’t think Killer took part, but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four of ‘em in the house. Better wait outside. Be right back…
